78 Following

Lost in the Stacks

I read widely and compulsively and my fancies are ever changing. My love of reading, however, is no mere fancy. 

14675 BOOKS
Read (692) Planning to read (13942) Currently reading (1)
Favorite (0) Wishlist (0) Reviewed (226)
1000 before i die (0) 1000-before-i-die (314) 16th-century-classics (36) 16th-century-history (100) 16th-century-ideas (17) 16th-century-lives (63) 17th-century-classics (49) 17th-century-history (139) 17th-century-ideas (22) 17th-century-lives (60) 18th-century-classics (94) 18th-century-fic (51) 18th-century-history (190) 18th-century-ideas (28) 18th-century-lives (133) 19th-century-classics (482) 19th-century-fic (449) 19th-century-history (435) 19th-century-ideas (100) 19th-century-lives (418) 20th-century-classics (764) 20th-century-fic (2574) 20th-century-history (732) 20th-century-ideas (210) 20th-century-lives (1105) 21st-century-fic (2880) 21st-century-history (84) 21st-century-ideas (141) 21st-century-lives (358) 3-quarks-daily (12) 30-days-hath-september (26) 5-under-35 (24) 50-nifty-united-states (46) a (37) a-different-stripe (4) a-rock-and-a-hard-place (74) a-vacation-is-all-i-ever-wanted (43) a-wing-and-a-prayer (25) adventure-2011 (66) adventure-2012 (86) adventure-2013 (143) afghanistan (85) africa (399) african-american-history-and-studie (16) african-lit (80) ah-youth (104) albania (9) algeria (26) also-kate (52) amazon (95) american-history (692) american-landscapes (320) american-lit (840) american-lives (663) american-regional-lit (221) american-studies (414) american-women (645) amsterdam (2) ancient-history (347) ancient-lives (43) andorra (1) animal-kingdom (173) antebellum (7) anthology (153) anthropology (105) anti-heroes (47) apologia (5) arab-lit-blog (14) arc (5) archaeology (85) architecture (71) argentina (47) arm-chair-traveller (489) armenia (9) art (555) asia (275) audible (581) australia (108) austria (62) authors-obit (39) autumn (4) award-winner (1048) azerbaijan (1) b (36) bad-decisions (73) bahamas (1) bahrain (1) balls-and-chains (340) bangladesh (7) banned-books (2) barbados (2) barcelona (7) barnes-and-noble (21) basque (5) battling-for-souls (11) bed-side-table (2) bedroomshelf (3) been-down-so-long (18) before-the-storm (156) behind-closed-doors (200) being-good (173) belarus (2) belgium (32) belorus (4) berfrois (3) berlin (16) best-of-the-year (139) bhutan (1) biblioklept (12) big-oak-shelf (2) big-think (7) bildungsroman (300) biographical-fiction (219) biographies-by-novelists (45) biographies-not-of-people (9) biography (1065) biology (11) biscuits-tea-and-murder (111) book-club (31) book-judged-by-cover-to-be-awesome (66) book-riot (81) booker-prize (39) booker-prize-long-list (160) bookerprize-short-list (108) bookforum (2) bookmunch (7) bookrageous (1) books-about-books (369) books-everyone-read-in-school-but-m (8) books-i-gave-as-gifts (4) books-to-buy-my-favorite-kids (51) books-with-reputations (17) booksense-best-books (184) bookslut (379) borders-and-boundaries (42) borrow-from-friends (22) borzoi-reader (3) bosnia (17) boston-globe (3) botany (43) botswana (4) brain-pickings (19) brazil (44) bricks (89) brit-lit (269) bulgaria (7) burma-myanmar (19) burundi (1) business (45) c (37) cambodia (11) cameroon (2) canada (130) cape-verde (1) capri (4) captivity (146) caribbean (108) catch-me-if-you-can (57) chance-encounters (18) childrens-history (14) childrens-lit (37) chile (20) china (177) christian-belief-and-practice (68) christmas (24) cities (503) classic-americana (1) classics-of-americana (32) classics-of-biography-and-memoir (113) classics-of-childrens-literature (52) classics-of-history (126) classics-of-non-fiction-writing (80) classics-of-non-western-thought (7) classics-of-philosophy (27) classics-of-politics (18) classics-of-religious-writing (9) classics-of-science-and-medicine (20) classics-of-science-fiction-and-fan (5) classics-of-travel-and-exploration (54) cloisters (3) coasters (2915) collected-writings (298) college (16) colombia (23) colonial-america (46) comedy (231) comparative-biography (30) complete-review (325) cookbook-library (17) cooked-from (4) cops-and-robbers (70) cowboys (24) cows-and-chickens (41) crafty (1) crimes-and-misdemeanors (177) croatia (15) cuba (26) cultural-criticism (308) cultural-imperialism (1) cultural-tourism (3) current-affairs (109) czech-republic (51) d (28) daily-dose (44) dalkey-archive (88) dark-night-of-the-soul (2) dawn-treader (10) day-in-the-life (9) dead-white-guys (7) dear-diary (99) death-and-dying (208) denmark (33) design (14) diaspora (371) didn-t-like-your-last-book (23) dinosaurs (5) dirty-dirty-money (172) disaster-fiction (2) disaster-tourism (13) dish-best-served-cold (42) dissidents (216) djibouti (2) domestic-fiction (208) dominican-republic (6) don-t-judge-a-book-by-it-s-title (7) doorstops (1396) drama (136) duties-and-burdens (2) dwight-garner (2) dystopia (147) e (36) e-book (33) earth-climate-and-natural-disasters (161) eastern-european-lit (82) ecocanomix (202) ecology (98) economist (24) ecotourism (9) ecuador (2) egypt (108) el-salvador (2) elegant-variation (1) empire-and-aftermath (662) england (2047) enlightenment (74) ensemble-novels (89) environmental-history (50) epics-and-folktales (256) epidemics (88) epistles (137) equatorial-guinea (1) eros (12) essays (317) estonia (3) ethiopia (25) europe (336) european-history (242) european-studies (29) everybody-s-got-problems (1) evil-in-all-its-disguises (15) evolution (53) exile (115) experiments-in-fiction (197) exploration (98) failure-to-launch (1) families (761) family-room (12) fantasy (470) favorite-authors (258) favorite-historians (24) favorite-narrators (87) favorite-presses (263) favorite-spots (5) favorite-subjects (228) favorite-translators (27) feral-children (46) fiction-about-history (1) fiction-about-science (96) film (53) fin-de-siecle (27) financial-times (10) finland (11) fitness (2) five-books (9) florence (6) food (118) forgotten-histories (34) foul-trades (2) found-in-translation (2078) found-while-looking-for-something-e (574) fractious-fiction (1) francce (2) france (1018) french-lit (76) friendship (231) full-stop (9) future-adventures (219) g (46) gardening (7) gawker (1) genre-busting (33) georgia (2) germany (350) get-in-hardcover (9) ghana (11) ghost-stories (103) gilded-age (15) globalism-and-global-issues (138) god (522) goodreads-book-of-the-day (279) google-books (75) grand-theories (146) graphic-novels (72) great-debates (47) great-ideas (48) great-minds (9) great-outdoors (105) greece (100) greeks (91) green-with-envy (4) greenland (5) guadaloupe (1) guardian (396) guatemala (8) guinea-bissau (2) guyana (2) h (36) hagiography (1) haiti (19) happy-to-be-nominated (623) hauled-to-and-fro (31) have-a-friends-copy-in-my-possessio (9) health-care (39) high-school (15) hippies (1) historical-fiction (1182) historical-tourism (47) histories-written-by-novelists (6) historiography (3) history (2258) history-and-identity (161) history-is-full-of-strange-ideas-an (73) history-of-art (17) history-of-medicine (27) history-of-music (41) history-of-religion (71) history-of-science (131) history-of-travel (62) homes (73) honduras (2) hope-i-didn-t-burst-your-bubble (180) houses (70) how-x-revolutionized-y (7) human-comedy (17) humanities-meet-science (10) hungary (51) i-am-busting-outta-this-joint (105) i-am-not-who-i-seem (171) i-await-your-translation (11) i-think-i-own (28) i-was-wondering-about-this (266) iceland (26) if-i-knew-now-what-i-didn-t-know-th (35) if-its-a-fight-they-want (3) in-the-future (167) in-the-movies (249) independent (259) india (184) indianista (1) indie-booksellers-choice-awards (14) indigenista (1) indonesia (14) industry (75) innocents-abroad (346) instructive-experience (31) inter-war (30) iran (52) iraq (78) ireland (203) is-favorite (10) israel (60) istanbul (6) it-seemed-like-a-good-idea-at-the-t (83) italy (592) its-a-hard-knock-life (14) its-hard-with-that-knife-in-my-back (41) ivory-coast (1) ivory-tower (40) j (1) jamaica (16) janet-maslin (4) japan (150) japanese-lit (83) jerusalem (9) jezebel (4) jordan (2) joy-joy-joy-joy-down-in-my-heart (1) kate-s-beach-reads (44) kazakhstan (2) keep-calm-and-carry-on (6) kenya (17) kindle (1) kindle-freebie (14) kindle-stacks (16) kings-queens-tsars-and-caesars (284) kirkus-reviews (34) korea (30) kosovo (1) kunstlerroman (9) kuwait (2) kyrgyzstan (2) l (1) la-review-of-books (21) lady-ology-feminism-and-gender-stud (357) language (74) laos (3) late-antiquity (9) latin-america (183) lebanon (18) legalese (122) lent-out (7) liasons-dangerous-and-not (205) liberia (7) library (4497) library-of-america (3) libya (5) liechtenstein (1) liked-your-other-stuff (727) lit-crit (370) literary-tourism (5) literati (364) literature-of-quest (35) lithuania (4) litopia (2) london (160) london-review-of-books (9) love-what-is-it-good-for (842) macedonia (2) madrid (3) makings-of-modernity (108) malawi (1) malaysia (11) mali (1) malta (2) man-booker-international (39) man-on-a-mission (1) manifestos (19) mare-nostrum (73) mark-sarvas (2) martinique (3) mathematics (57) maud-newton (25) mauritius (2) mcsweeneys (15) medical-history (51) medicine (170) medieval-classics-and-history (227) medieval-lives (49) memoirs (1015) mexico (69) michigan-fiction (31) michigan-writers (68) michiko-kakutani (6) microhistory (104) mid-life-crisis-fic (55) middle-east (218) milan (3) missing-persons (45) mitteleuropa (3) modern-library-100 (15) modest-proposals (5) moldova (1) mom-and-dad-s-bookshelf (9) monaco (1) mongolia (2) moody-road-studios (8) morals-ethics-and-right-living (61) morocco (24) motherhood (61) motown-philly-and-back-again (59) mozambique (4) ms-mag (11) music (134) my-friends-favorites (21) mysteries (15) mysteries-of-history (23) mysterious-strangers (57) mystery (675) name-checked (609) namibia (1) napkins (298) naples (42) national-book-award (60) national-book-award-finalist-2009 (89) national-geographic (1) native-american-history (31) natural-history (109) navel-gazing (17) nba-foundation (3) nbcc-award (95) neatorama (3) nepal (7) nest (133) nest-box-1 (23) nest-box-2 (50) nest-shelf-one (33) nest-shelf-two (13) netherlands (60) neuroscience (60) new-biography (382) new-criticism (137) new-fiction-literature (1943) new-history (741) new-ideas (1) new-in-2010 (912) new-in-2011 (1125) new-in-2012 (971) new-in-2013 (406) new-in-2014 (3) new-inquiry (4) new-memoirs (182) new-poetry (55) new-politics (53) new-republic (90) new-science (194) new-translation (342) new-travel (31) new-york-times (356) new-yorker (57) new-yorkers (125) new-zealand (24) next-adventure (27) nicaragua (2) niche-fiction (16) nigeria (34) no-longer-on-the-map (4) nobel-odds (20) nobel-prize (215) norristown-library (17) north-african-lit (42) norway (32) nostalgia (1) not-the-booker-prize (45) not-to-read (1) novels-written-by-historians (1) nplus1 (3) npr (19) nyrb (181) nytimes-best-of-the-year (132) obsessions-possessions-and-passions (92) of-a-certain-age (8) office-lit (69) oh-how-the-mighty-have-fallen (3) oh-what-is-it-all-for (38) old-penguins (7) oman (2) on-your-feet-travel (19) open-letters-monthly (33) opera (5) oprah-says-to-read-this (15) other-perspectives (2) out-of-my-comfort-zone (40) outer-banks (2) outer-space (43) outside-looking-in (4) pacifism (2) pain-and-suffering (7) painters (9) pakistan (55) palestine (31) paper-bag-reads (13) paraguay (3) paranormal (152) paris (130) paris-review (259) past-imperfect (1) past-journeys (28) pedagogy (63) pen-atlas (6) pennsylvania (21) people-places-things (161) performance (13) peru (15) philadelphia (55) phillipines (21) philosophy (332) physics (40) picaresque (2) pirates (22) poetry (494) poets-and-vagabonds (2) poland (74) politicians-and-statesmen (140) politics-and-policy (420) popes-and-popery (36) portugal (31) post-apocolyptic-fic (65) post-war (96) prague (6) pre-columbian-civilization (2) pre-raphaelites (22) primary-sources (184) prison-novels (57) prodigals-and-redeemed (6) project-syndicate (1) psychology (102) puerto-rico (3) pulitzer-prize (99) q (24) qatar (1) quote-science-unquote (10) r (23) rags-to-riches-and-vice-versa (39) ramilies (1) randys-books (34) read-and-will-read-again (48) reading-but-not-reaading (2) reading-guides (1) rec-by-person-of-cultural-interest (11) recommended-by-a-friend (1852) recommended-by-an-author (480) recommended-by-an-editor (37) recommended-by-an-expert (127) reference (23) renais (1) renaissance-lit-and-history (144) renaissance-lives (19) rentrez-ange (122) replace-the-dog-ate-it (5) reporting-from (166) revolution (216) rivers (47) riviera (4) road-trips (212) rod (1) roman-a-clef (18) romania (18) romans (126) romantics (60) rome (71) room-at-the-inn (21) royal-society (3) russia (254) russian-lit (52) rwanda (6) s (19) saints-and-sinners (7) samuel-johnson-prize (11) san-francisco (29) san-marino (1) sardinia (1) saudi-arabia (12) save-my-soul-i-work-for-the-man (205) scandinavian-crime-wave (36) scandinavian-lit (71) scary-stories-to-read-in-the-dark (118) school-days (96) science (562) science-fiction (365) science-mag (33) scientific-american (2) scientists (116) scotland (134) scoundrels (4) senegal (5) serbia (6) series (28) sewing-library (8) sexy-books (85) shakespeare-and-friends (102) short-fiction (690) sierra-leone (3) since-the-renaissance (3) singapore (2) sisters (69) slate (90) slovakia (2) slovenia (5) small-towns (47) smoke-screens (1) social-justice (163) somalia (4) some-awesome-dudes (158) some-awesome-ladies (460) something-aint-right-about-that-kid (16) something-light-as-nothing (1) south-africa (51) south-africa-fiction (39) south-america (97) south-florida-fiction (15) south-sudan (1) soviet-lit-and-history (51) space-opera (30) spain (222) spanish-lit (9) spies (177) spiritual-tourism (11) sports (59) springtime (4) sri-lanka (10) st-lucia (1) started-and-may-or-may-not-finish (15) started-and-will-finish-later (148) started-twice-or-more-finished-once (4) steampunk (46) strange-bedfellows (11) sudan (10) summer (57) summer-reading (14) sun (1) suriname (1) survivors-tales (21) sweden (30) switzerland (29) syria (12) t (19) tajikstan (1) tales-from-the-reading-room (1) talking-points-memo (2) tandem-reads (7) tanganika-tanzania (2) technology (216) terrible-titles (1) thailand (9) the-arctic-and-antarctic (58) the-atlantic (15) the-aughts (111) the-awl (8) the-balkans (67) the-believer (11) the-books-they-gave-me (1) the-browser (274) the-civil-war (83) the-cold-war (79) the-cosmos (1) the-crusades (16) the-daily-beast (2) the-drum (132) the-eighties (7) the-fame-monster (7) the-good-book (25) the-grand-tour (2) the-great-books (34) the-great-war (184) the-hairpin (2) the-high-seas (149) the-isles (76) the-lives-of-others (1) the-middle-classes (40) the-millions (205) the-modern-novel (22) the-morning-news (25) the-moth (3) the-nineties (34) the-old-college-try (8) the-rich-are-different-from-us (123) the-rumpus (25) the-scientist (7) the-sixties (65) the-smart-set (4) the-spectator (13) the-stacks (956) the-telegraph (32) the-tumblverse (65) the-war-at-home (23) the-way-we-live-now (24) these-are-not-the-drones-you-are-lo (2) think-of-the-children (16) this-author-is-like-that-author (18) this-book-is-like-that-book (96) this-isn-t-my-day-job (14) this-title-is-like-that-title (8) this-was-not-what-i-bargained-for (147) tibet (19) time-best-non-fiction (22) time-travellers (24) tirades-and-manifestos (47) title-gangers (71) tls (1) too-old-for-this (45) too-self-aware-for-your-own-good (1) tournament-of-books (7) training-guides (5) trieste (5) trinidad-and-tobago (7) true-crime (129) tunisia (5) turkey (116) turkmenistan (2) tv-room (1) tyrants-and-tyranny (163) uganda (10) ukraine (8) united-arab-emirates (1) uruguay (3) usa-today (2) uzbekistan (1) v (31) venezuela (2) venice (45) victorians (556) vienna (10) vietnam (56) vikings (6) village-people (84) w (28) wales (26) wall-street-journal (8) war-on-terror (95) war-warriors-warlords-weapons (705) washington-post (5) we-have-to-stop-meeting-like-this (1) we-talk-about-class-in-quiet-rooms (140) west-meets-east-east-meets-west (54) western-civilization (91) what-is-this (108) what-lurks-beneath (16) what-next (5) whirlwinds (50) why-we-can-t-have-nice-things (3) winter (36) wired (3) with-an-a (19) witness-to-history (91) womens-lives (965) womens-prize (1) words-without-borders (50) work (8) works-cited (244) world-lit (85) world-lit-today (45) world-war-ii (543) worlds-apart (44) would-you-two-quit-fighting-already (67) writers-no-one-reads (20) writers-writing-about-writing (61) x (27) xkcd (1) y (21) yemen (4) you-are-all-mad-i-tell-you (190) you-complete-me (47) you-fools (8) you-re-not-from-around-here (10) you-win-for-best-title (166) young-adult (234) your-past-may-come-back-to-haunt-yo (158) z (11) zaire-congo (16) zambia (1) zanzibar (4) zimbabwe (13)
Unshelved (695)